It is important to consult a healthcare provider in cases where medications contribute to dry mouth or other symptoms associated with scalloping on the tongue. Adjusting the medication regimen, either by altering dosages or switching to alternative drugs with fewer side effects, can alleviate these issues. Medications for conditions like high blood pressure or psychiatric disorders often have side effects that impact saliva production and oral health. By making appropriate changes under medical supervision, the negative impact on the tongue can be minimized, thereby reducing the occurrence of scalloping.

Understanding Scalloping on the Tongue: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Scalloping on the tongue, also known as scalloped or crenated tongue, refers to indentations or impressions along the sides of the tongue. While it might seem minor, it can sometimes indicate underlying health conditions that require attention. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for scalloping on the tongue, shedding […]

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